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Donate to the 1776 Riders
The 1776 Riders is a 501 (3c) Non-Profit Organization.
We support and honor our Veterans and serving Military!
We are a 100 percent volunteer organization.
In 2022 We are looking for cash donations, to be able to help our military families. Any donation you can make goes along way in helping our serving Military and Veterans.
2021 we have made donations too:
Toys for 1 Military Families along with Christmas Meals
Minneapolis VA Medical Center
3-Serving Military family Hardship case
Donation to Police Officer for Fallen Police Officers
Hastings Veterans Home - Veterans Fishing trip
2020 we have made donations too:
Toys for 2- Military Families
Minneapolis VA Medical Center
2-Serving Military family Hardship case
Donation to Police Officer for Fallen Police Officers
Yellow Ribbon
2019 we have made donations too:
Toys for Military Families
Minneapolis VA Medical Center
2-Serving Military family Hardship case
Donation to Police Officer for Fallen Police Officers
Minnesota Military Families Foundation
2018 we have made donations too:
Donation to Police Officer for Fallen Police Officers
Toys for Military Families
Minneapolis VA Medical Center
Serving Military family Hardship case
Minnesota Military Families Foundation
In 2017 we have made donations too:
Toys for Military Families
Minneapolis VA Medical Center
Serving Military family Hardship case
Minnesota Military Families Foundation
Donation to Police Officer for Fallen Police Officers
In 2016 we made donations too:
Minneapolis Veterans Medical Center
Minnesota Military Families Foundation
Minnesota National Guard Military Families
Toys for Military Families in Dakota County
Military Hardship cases
Donation to Police Officer for fallen Police Officers
In 2015 we made donations too:
Minneapolis Veterans Medical Center
Hastings Veterans Home
Minnesota Military Families Foundation
Minnesota National Guard Military Families
Honor and Remember
Toys for Military Families in Dakota County
Military Hardship cases
Provided Holiday Hams for serving Military Families
We are asking for your help in the way of a donation.
A donation in any amount goes along ways to help the men and women who have protected our freedoms and way of life.
1776 Riders is Proud to
announce that we raised $13,000.00 at Our
Annual Memorial Ride July 14th, 2012
In Honor of "Those Who Gave All"
Funds were donated to the Minneapolis VA Medical Center
1776 Riders is Proud to
announce that we raised $7,500.00 at Our
Annual Memorial Ride July 20th, 2013
In Honor of "Those Who Gave All"
Funds were donated to the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and Honor and Remember
1776 Riders is Proud to
announce that we raised $5,500.00 at Our
Annual Memorial Ride July 19th, 2014
In Honor of "Those Who Gave All"
Funds were donated to the Minneapolis VA Medical Center
We also hooked up the Minneapolis VA Medical Center PTSD program with Timberwolves Tickets from December-March, donated by POPS
To donate press button